“I Thought I Would Never Whiten My Skin But Contrary To My Doctor's Prediction, I Whitened My Skin Pigmentations Naturally, Without Drugs & In A Few Days, After Years of "Trying". You Can Too! Here's How...”
I will show you how to Whitening Your Skin permanently in just days the natural way and helped thousands of people do the same.
Drink More Water for Clearer Skin
When people struggle with skin problems or want to achieve a clear and radiant skin tone, they usually spend a fair amount of money on expensive moisturizers and creams. While these may help, most people don't drink as much water as they should to keep their skin healthy-looking. Since water makes up 60% of our body composition, being dehydrated can have quite an effect on your skin. In fact, most people are moderately dehydrated at all times, but don't notice the subtle signs their body is giving.
When you drink enough water, it serves to filter out chemicals and toxins that may be responsible for skin blemishes and rashes. When you don't drink enough water, your kidneys are forced to work harder in detoxifying your body. In our environment of processed foods, alcohol, and reduced air quality, your kidneys are busy at all times and need plenty of water. Drinking enough will significantly improve the detoxification process and you will notice results in your skin.
When you are dehydrated, your body draws water from your skin. You can notice these effects when you wake up in the morning or when you don't drink enough water after exercising. Your body has sponge-like qualities, as it uses the available water in your skin for other purposes. If you drink the recommended 8 glasses per day, you can prevent skin from drying out. You will notice the best results in conjunction with creams and lotions, as dry skin can be affected by external factors such as climate, air quality, and genetics.
If you suffer from acne, eczema or psoriasis, it is especially important to drink enough water. Toxins and oil glands are responsible for these conditions. Water eliminates toxins by pushing them through the excretory system, instead of holding them in a state of dehydration. Water also helps to balance your oil glands by keeping your body's sebaceous glands at a neutral state. When you are dehydrated, your sebaceous glands are overactive in keeping water retained, so acne may worsen. On top of using appropriate skin treatments, stay hydrated to help reduce these conditions.
Not only do you want to stay hydrated, but you should drink clean water. When you're drinking poor quality water, you are introducing more chemicals into your body that need to be filtered. This is counter-productive to your attempts to achieve better skin, so having pure water is important. Common chemicals in impure water include chlorine, chlorinates, and VOC's, which can make your skin impure and increase blemishes. Many of us know the effects of chlorine on skin in swimming pools, so you certainly don't want to drink it either.
By avoiding skin-drying chemicals like alcohol and caffeine and staying hydrated, your skin will thank you. Water is not a miracle cure to stubborn conditions, but not drinking enough will make treatments and lotions much less effective. Aim for drinking at least 8 glasses a day, although you should adjust that level depending on your weight, activity level, diet, or any pre-existing conditions you may have.
When you drink enough water, it serves to filter out chemicals and toxins that may be responsible for skin blemishes and rashes. When you don't drink enough water, your kidneys are forced to work harder in detoxifying your body. In our environment of processed foods, alcohol, and reduced air quality, your kidneys are busy at all times and need plenty of water. Drinking enough will significantly improve the detoxification process and you will notice results in your skin.
When you are dehydrated, your body draws water from your skin. You can notice these effects when you wake up in the morning or when you don't drink enough water after exercising. Your body has sponge-like qualities, as it uses the available water in your skin for other purposes. If you drink the recommended 8 glasses per day, you can prevent skin from drying out. You will notice the best results in conjunction with creams and lotions, as dry skin can be affected by external factors such as climate, air quality, and genetics.
If you suffer from acne, eczema or psoriasis, it is especially important to drink enough water. Toxins and oil glands are responsible for these conditions. Water eliminates toxins by pushing them through the excretory system, instead of holding them in a state of dehydration. Water also helps to balance your oil glands by keeping your body's sebaceous glands at a neutral state. When you are dehydrated, your sebaceous glands are overactive in keeping water retained, so acne may worsen. On top of using appropriate skin treatments, stay hydrated to help reduce these conditions.
Not only do you want to stay hydrated, but you should drink clean water. When you're drinking poor quality water, you are introducing more chemicals into your body that need to be filtered. This is counter-productive to your attempts to achieve better skin, so having pure water is important. Common chemicals in impure water include chlorine, chlorinates, and VOC's, which can make your skin impure and increase blemishes. Many of us know the effects of chlorine on skin in swimming pools, so you certainly don't want to drink it either.
By avoiding skin-drying chemicals like alcohol and caffeine and staying hydrated, your skin will thank you. Water is not a miracle cure to stubborn conditions, but not drinking enough will make treatments and lotions much less effective. Aim for drinking at least 8 glasses a day, although you should adjust that level depending on your weight, activity level, diet, or any pre-existing conditions you may have.
Charles Brown does most of his work online through articles and forums in helping people solve their water problems. He specializes in "hard water" treatments.
Have you ever wondered having a perfectly tan skin even before going to the beach with the use of a tanning bed? This can be the safest thing you could do before hitting the beach because the added melanin in the skin will help protect you further from the harmful UV rays from the sun. You see even if the tanning agent in a tanning bed is also ultraviolet rays, these UV rays are given at a very controlled level just to stimulate the skin to produce more melanin and give you the tan you need. Unlike the sun where UV rays can just go berserk with intensity, in a tanning bed you can set it at a minimum allowing you to create a healthy tan. In the next paragraphs I will be discussing some pointers you need to look for in a tanning bed in order to help you decide which tanning bed to buy in order to provide you a perfect tan every time.
The most important thing you need to consider before buying a tanning bed is the reputation of the manufacturer. This is important because this can indicate the credibility of the equipment as well. It is one kind of equipment where expertise of the manufacturers matter the most. You don't want to trust putting your safety at the hands of phony manufacturers who will offer below par quality of product. If you want to buy a tanning bed might as well buy the highest quality available.
The next thing to consider after the name is the functions of the tanning bed. Is it easy to use? Does it have safety features to ensure safety whenever you use the equipment? Check also the extent of customer service the company is going to provide after the sale. It is very important for these kinds of equipment to have readily available trouble shooter and if the company can provide a reliable maintenance service, then it should be a big factor in contemplating to buy their product.
Another important factor to consider is the length of warranty for the entire equipment because this is a testament to the durability of the product and it will also serve as a safety net in case something goes wrong with the product.
To verify the company's claims you can always check the internet for testimonials and product reviews. The advent of today's technology will definitely help you because the reviews and testimonials will serve as you preview on what to expect on the product prior buying it. Probably after looking at the things given above, you can consider the price. First you need to see if it fits your budget then you need to look at the value you will be getting from the product features and after-sales support because not all cheap products gives ultimate value for your money and same goes for the expensive products because it does not also mean you'll get the highest quality as well. An informed decision will definitely give you a balance of both and get you the best tanning bed for your budget.
If you are looking for in depth reviews including the popular Sunquest Wolff Tanning Bed, just visit http://www.BestTanningBedReview.com. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roxie_Vert |
When you face an actual or perceived threat your body goes into fight-flight and the stress hormone cortisol is pumped into your bloodstream by your adrenal glands. A little cortisol helps you meet challenges, but too much can cause cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and even damage to the hippocampus (the part of your brain that converts short to long term memories).
Scientific studies have shown that behavioral interventions including psychotherapy with an empathic therapist, meditation, deep breathing, laughter and smiling can reduce blood cortisol. Few people are aware that their own brains can produce a chemical called DHEA (dehydro-epiandrosterone) which dampens their stress response to threats to keep cortisol levels from getting too high. Our brains can also produce a substance called neuropeptide Y which reduces anxiety by counter-acting the effect of CRH (corticotrophin-releasing-hormone) which is transmitted by the hypothalamus to the pituitary to kick off the stress response cascade.
People with normal levels of these chemicals can withstand stress better than those who are deficient. People with especially low levels of these chemicals are at highest risk of psychological crisis when they face a significant stressor in their lives. The body produces increasingly less DHEA with increasing age, but taking too much of it as a supplement can harm your liver and adrenal glands.
A recent study looked at stressed-out, multi-taskers who took on many different roles and who were engaged in continuous activities. The researchers wanted to find out which method of dealing with stress worked best. One group tried to reason out which activities were most important and which should be assigned priority. A second group vented emotionally to a confidant to release stress. A third group simply distracted themselves from time to time with a non-work, non-parenting activity. The third group lowered their stress the most. By giving themselves some down time they removed themselves from chronic stress and gave their bodies and minds time to rest. Although the scientists did not measure their DHEA or neuropeptide Y levels it is tempting to infer those levels rose when the third group members took a break. Whether or not this is the case, please remember to take a break when work-life and home-life become overwhelming.
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A study published in the December 2010 issue of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease has linked heavy drinking and binge drinking in middle age with increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in old age. The study was conducted at the University of Turku, University of Helsinki and National Institute for Health and Welfare in Finland based on 1,486 subjects from the Finnish Twin Cohort. The researchers obtained alcohol consumption data and answers to structured questionnaires in 1975 and 1981. Subjects were contacted between 1999 and 2007 to conduct a telephone interview evaluating their cognitive function. The mean follow-up period was 22.8 years.
The finding was that people who drank heavily on a regular basis, binged or abstained during middle age were at a statistically significantly higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease in old age than light drinkers. However, the abstainers were at high risk only if they had the APOE-e4 gene mutation which predisposes people to AD.
By binge drinking the researchers are referring to drinking large amounts of alcohol on a given occasion. People who drank one whole bottle of wine (or its equivalent) in one sitting at least once per month were considered binge drinkers in the study. So were people who passed out from drinking twice or more per year.
“Our finding is significant as the changes typical of Alzheimer’s disease — the most common dementia syndrome — are thought to start appearing two to three decades before clinical manifestation and therefore identification of early risk factors is imperative,” states Jyri Virta, researcher at University of Turku, Finland.
Light drinkers were not found to have a high risk of cognitive impairment in older age. This argues strongly for finding ways to help you cut back on the amount of your alcohol consumption. There are websites to help you do this. You can also make it a habit to drink with friends in the same position who are conscious of the need to avoid binging and committed to helping each other do it. Lastly, there are books on controlled drinking

Good Sources of Calcium
How much calcium you need, and why, plus calcium-rich foods

Benefits of Calcium
Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, and it helps prevent arthritis. But that's not all this mineral is good for. Calcium helps your brain communicate with your nerves and regulates blood pressure, and it may reduce the symptoms of PMS and the risk of colon cancer.
Recommended Amount: How Much You Need
Government guidelines suggest 1,000–1,200 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day is adequate, but RealAge recommends a bit more: 1,000–1,500 mg per day from food and calcium supplements -- but not all at once. Your body can absorb only 500–600 mg at a time, so divide it into two or three doses over the course of a day.
Tip: If you take calcium supplements, take them with vitamin D (they're often combined in one pill) to help absorption -- and with a little magnesium to reduce the constipation sometimes caused by calcium. Don't pair calcium with iron or fiber supplements, which can interfere with your body's ability to absorb the bone-building mineral.
Good Sources of Calcium
recource RealAge.Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, and it helps prevent arthritis. But that's not all this mineral is good for. Calcium helps your brain communicate with your nerves and regulates blood pressure, and it may reduce the symptoms of PMS and the risk of colon cancer.
Recommended Amount: How Much You Need
Government guidelines suggest 1,000–1,200 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day is adequate, but RealAge recommends a bit more: 1,000–1,500 mg per day from food and calcium supplements -- but not all at once. Your body can absorb only 500–600 mg at a time, so divide it into two or three doses over the course of a day.
Tip: If you take calcium supplements, take them with vitamin D (they're often combined in one pill) to help absorption -- and with a little magnesium to reduce the constipation sometimes caused by calcium. Don't pair calcium with iron or fiber supplements, which can interfere with your body's ability to absorb the bone-building mineral.
Good Sources of Calcium
Yogurt, plain, low fat (8 ounces) | 415 mg |
Ricotta cheese from part-skim milk (1/2 cup) | 335 mg |
Soymilk, fortified (8 ounces) | 300 mg |
Spinach, cooked from frozen (1 cup) | 290 mg |
Milk, 2% milk fat (8 ounces) | 285 mg |
Swiss cheese, shredded (1/4 cup) | 214 mg |
Cheddar cheese, shredded (1/4 cup) | 204 mg |
Salmon, canned (3 ounces) | 181 mg |
Soybeans/edamame (1/2 cup) | 130 mg |
Tofu (3 ounces) | 100 mg |
Parmesan cheese, shredded (1 tablespoon) | 55 mg |